Cold War Conversations

A Hungarian childhood in Cold War Romania (230)

A Hungarian childhood in Cold War Romania (230)

Cold War Conversations

Published: 8 April 2022 at 23:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Zsolt Akos Pall was born in a small town in the Hungarian speaking part of Romania. 

For ordinary people, life in Romania in the 1980s was very hard and it could be even worse if you were a part of the Hungarian Szekler minority since the Communist government persecuted the Hungarian minority. They even made them change their Hungarian names into Romanian. Zsolt's brother was renamed Istvan to Stefan. However, Zsolt was baptised Zsolt, since there was no Romanian equivalent to it.

Zsolt describes the shortages, his schooling and many other stories of life in Romania during this period.

We end the episode with Zsolt’s plans to escape to Sweden. Don’t miss Part 2!

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I am delighted to welcome Zsolt Akos Pall to our Cold War conversation…

There’s further information here.

If you can’t wait for next week’s episode do visit our Facebook discussion group where guests and listeners continue the Cold War Conversation. Just search Cold War Conversations on Facebook.

0:00 Introduction and early life in Romania

2:36 Life under communism and experience of the Hungarian minority in Romania

15:56 Impact of shortages on daily life and industry

18:47 School life, propaganda, and societal structure under the regime

27:02 Cold War hobbies: Young pioneer experience and photography

32:59 Brother's journey out of Romania and Western influences

38:35 Zsolt's escape attempt and first love

41:12 Life goals in Hungary, brother's journey to Sweden, and pivotal decision

44:27 Closing remarks, acknowledgments, and sponsor mentions

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