Cold War Conversations

Escaping from Cold War Romania (231)

Escaping from Cold War Romania (231)

Cold War Conversations

Published: 15 April 2022 at 23:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Zsolt Akos Pall was 17 when he decided to flee Cold War Romania for a better life in the West. 

It’s a heart-warming story of the generosity of strangers. Young Zsolt finds compassionate border guards, gets lost in Vienna and has incredible luck wherever he turns as he negotiates the iron curtain as well as many other international borders to reach his brother in Sweden 

However, his escape is bittersweet as we hear of his emotional farewell to his parents, not knowing if he’d ever see them again.

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0:00 Introduction and Zolt Acos Powell's decision to flee Cold War Romania

7:52 Zolt's parents' reaction and his journey to the Hungarian border

16:00 Zolt's escape and experiences at the Hungarian border station

24:01 Zolt's journey to Vienna and his first day there

36:10 Zolt's journey from Vienna to Germany and his encounters along the way

48:06 Zolt's attempt to cross the border, arrival in Germany and journey to Stuttgart

53:02 Zolt's first impression of Hamburg

1:04:01 Zolt's arrival in Sweden and reuniting with his brother

1:07:38 The repercussions faced by Zolt's parents and their arrival in Sweden

1:10:44 Conclusion, mention of financial supporters and the Cold War Conversations store

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