Men Talking Mindfulness

Season 4 Finale - What We Learned!

Season 4 Finale - What We Learned!

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 17 May 2022 at 09:11 UTC

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Episode notes

Well, that's a wrap!  Season 4 is about to be in the books and done!  Join us for the season finale of Men Talking Mindfulness as we review this last season and highlight some of the amazing lessons we've learned and the deep topics we've discussed.  

We once again have teamed up with our friends at MovementRX to bring you the Mindfulness and Movement or M2 Experience.  The M2 Experience is specifically designed to SHOW you the UNSEEN habits you have developed and develop NEW ones - PLUS give you the tools to improve how your mind and body feel.  This next cohort kicks off May 18th and this is the last time you can get it at this price!  Check it out at (mtm is lowercase!)

Our Whoop Team:  We have created an MTM group on the Whoop app… Whoop is a wearable that tracks your biometrics and if you have a whoop, we’d love you to join our accountability group… the code is COMM-7B67F6  … if you DON’T have a Whoop and are interested, Get a free WHOOP 4.0 and one month free when you join with our link:

Our Hosts:  Will is excited to teach you how to develop self-mastery. From teaching and practicing for the last 19 years, he feels it's a joy to work with long-time practitioners and students that have never tried these practices before or have only dabbled.   Email:  

Jon is a Navy veteran turned mindfulness and meditation teacher. Since ending his 24-year military career in June 2020, Jon is now dedicated to spreading the practices of meditation and mindfulness to help others live happier and more fulfilling lives.   Email:  Intro, outro, and trailer created and produced by Rich Harris:

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