Men Talking Mindfulness

Battling Imposter Syndrome

Battling Imposter Syndrome

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 6 September 2022 at 09:40 UTC

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Episode notes

Imposter syndrome, also known as imposter phenomenon or imposterism, is a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. Let's talk about this, where we've experienced it, and how to overcome it! Welcome back to Men Talking Mindfulness or MTM - thank you for being here with us! Each week we break down and work to demystify an aspect of mindfulness and make it meaningful to you! This Episode we are going to become more mindful of imposter syndrome. Announcements (Will) We still have room on our Mindfulness Adventure Retreat in Durango, CO Sept 16-19th included in this retreat is a 4 week post retreat integration program to help you get the most out of the experience allowing you to live more mindfully instead of it just being an idea.   Head to to learn more. 00:00 Battling Imposter Syndrome 05:00 Jon leads Opening Grounding Practice (~4 min) 10:00 Defining Imposter Syndrome 13:00 Signs of Imposter Syndrome 22:00 The Imposter Syndrome Cycle 28:00 Famous people experience it too! 39:00 Dealing with our own Imposter Syndrome 46:30 The “Peter Principle” 50:00 How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome 1:08:00 Will leads Closing Practice (~3 min)Your Hosts: Will is excited to teach you how to develop self-mastery. From teaching and practicing for the last 19 years, he feels it's a joy to work with long-time practitioners and students that have never tried these practices before or have only dabbled. Jon is a Navy veteran turned mindfulness and meditation teacher. Since ending his 24-year military career in June 2020, Jon is now dedicated to spreading the practices of meditation and mindfulness to help others live happier and more fulfilling lives. Intro, outro, and trailer by Rich Harris --- Support this podcast:

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