Men Talking Mindfulness

Warning! Toxic Relationships!!

Warning! Toxic Relationships!!

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 28 November 2022 at 10:08 UTC

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Episode notes

Relationships can be tricky. So today we thought we should shed some light on them and learn about toxic Relationships - what they are, how to identify them and what to do to change them.  Welcome back to Men Talking Mindfulness! Each week we break down and demystify an aspect of mindfulness and make it meaningful to you!  Quotes: “You show me your friends, I will show you your future.” - Dr Robb Kelly  Announcements  There are a few and all of them are here to help you Follow us on YouTube… and subscribe make sure to hit the little bell to get notified of new content… the new link is simply  SAVE the DATE!!! Our Next in-person Mindfulness Adventure Retreat will take place May 18-21, 2023 here on the East Coast in Upstate NY. We are in the process of finalizing all the details as we speak. Will went to visit this location last weekend and man it’s the perfect place to let go of all your responsibilities, detach from all the stress inducing technology and immerse yourself in peace and serenity as we all practice together. So save the date once again, that's May 18-21st. Space will be limited  Will is offering a Wednesday Weekly Breath & Meditation class FREE on InsightTimer. He’s calling it Midweek Refresh Sesh at 6:30pm - just 30 minutes each wednesday, No Experience required just show up. Follow Will on Instagram and Insight Timer (you can follow Jon on Insight Timer too!)  00:00 Toxic Relationships  02:00 Join us for our next retreat, May 18-21, 2022!  03:30 Jon leads Opening Grounding Practice  06:30 Defining toxic  11:00 What makes a relationship toxic?  19:00 When toxic becomes abusive  22:30 How to handle toxic relationships  40:00 Dealing with Toxic Relationships at work  50:00 Will leads closing practice (~1 min) --- Support this podcast:

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