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Today, I want to share with you some ways imperfection is beautiful, magical, and natural—in other words, how imperfection is actually perfect.

I am a recovering perfectionist. And I’m willing to bet that you are likely also someone who has let perfectionism suck up your time or energy in various ways. Have you ever thought about that before—that perfectionism has kept you from doing things you’d really like to do?

What You'll Learn:

- How perfectionism can prevent us from achieving balance and happiness

- The concept of the divine proportion or golden ratio and how it demonstrates perfection in imperfection

- The concept of mental Saboteurs and how they can sabotage our efforts to live a balanced life

- Strategies for overcoming perfectionism and embracing imperfection in your life

- The importance of setting healthy boundaries and letting go of the need for everything to be perfect

I invite you to go for “good enough” and embrace imperfection everywhere you can, especially when it comes to how you are living your life. If you keep trying to hold yourself and your life to some perfect vision, you’re going to keep disappointing yourself, and you’re going to miss out on the magic that shows up when you start seeing your life as “perfectly imperfect.”


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