Charis Your Life with Charis Santillie

Ready to Take that Load Off Your Shoulders?

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Episode notes

A recent podcast I was listening to mentioned the metaphor of carrying around a bag of bricks, which reminded me of the very first blog post I wrote. The inspiration for my post came out of me doing a guided meditation.

Picture this… You’re leading a hiking trip that you’ve thoroughly prepared for. 

You’ve done your research. You have your destination. You have your map. You planned for the weather. You have all the supplies. You are ready for anything that may come your way.

A few miles in, a boulder blocks your path. You charge right up and over it. Later on, you come across a flooded section in a valley. No problem; you are able to leap all the way over to the other side. You are strong and resilient. Nothing can stop you. The sun rises and sets again and again as you continue along your journey. You don’t have much time to slow down and watch; you have to stay focused on your goal. You finally reach your destination, and you are truly stunned, but this isn’t the stunned feeling you expected.

What You’ll Learn:

- The rest of my metaphorical story of what happened once the destination was reached

- The importance of taking care of your own mental and emotional well-being

- The power of setting boundaries and avoiding taking on other people's burdens

- The impact of compliments from others and the importance of not relying on them to feel good about yourself


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