Men Talking Mindfulness

Everyman Mindfulness Pt. 2

Everyman Mindfulness Pt. 2

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 10 April 2023 at 09:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Today Jon and Will are speaking with two exceptional guests, Jeff Harris and Mark Paske. Both are successful executives who have harnessed the power of mindfulness in their everyday lives and today we'll learn why they started on the journey to mindfulness, what it has changed for them, what practice looks like, and much more!

(00:00) Everyman Mindfulness Part 2
(04:00) Will leads Opening Grounding Practice ~2 min
(06:30) Jeff’s journey to mindfulness
(12:30) Mark’s journey to mindfulness
(17:30) Strange connections
(20:00) Before and After mindfulness
(26:30) Being a mindful leader
(29:00) Mark’s go-to practices
(35:30) Accountability
(40:00) Jeff’s morning and evening practices
(49:00) The obstacles in becoming mindful
(1:01:30) Everyman Life Hacks
(1:16:00) Jon leads Closing Practice ~2 min

Jeff Harris - and
Mark Paske -

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