Men Talking Mindfulness

Managing Overwhelm w/ Lane Belone

Managing Overwhelm w/ Lane Belone

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 24 April 2023 at 09:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Today we brought in Lane Belone, a former Green Beret turned entrepreneur, healer, and spiritual seeker. With his diverse experiences, Lane brings a unique perspective on managing overwhelm, which is our topic for this episode.

(00:00) Managing Overwhelm with Lane Belone
(04:30) Jon leads Opening Grounding Practice ~2 min
(08:00) What “overwhelm” means and what it can look like
(14:00) The opposite of overwhelm is flow
(17:00) How do you know when you’ve hit the sweet spot?
(24:30) The importance of self-care
(32:30) Taking off the “Busy Bee Badge”
(39:00) Default Mode Network
(44:30) Eliminating Overwhelm at Work
(48:30) When simplifying makes things complicated
(53:00) What’s stopping you from practicing Mindfulness?
(1:01:00) Lane leads Closing Practice ~3 min

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