
Gina Martin: empowering young people to make a difference

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Episode notes

Gina Martin embarked on a tireless campaign to criminalise 'upskirting' (taking photographs from underneath to see up someone's clothing) after someone did it to her in July 2017. She shares her experience of online activism, and gives tips on how teachers can support children and young people to make a difference on issues they care about - and stay safe while doing so. Gina speaks in this episode with Interface's Gareth Cort and Ailish Hunter.

Find Gina Martin’s book Be the Change: A Toolkit for the Activist in You here.

If you’re over 18 and have been impacted by a form of intimate image abuse you can contact the Revenge Porn Helpline by emailing [email protected], phoning 0345 6000 459 or by using their 24/7 chatbot. Those at a younger age can find guidance and support, here:

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