Eyes On Tomorrow

Understanding the enigma that is Angle Closure Glaucoma, with Paul Foster

Understanding the enigma that is Angle Closure Glaucoma, with Paul Foster

Eyes On Tomorrow

Published: 11 March 2025 at 07:35 UTC

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Episode notes

Globally, half of glaucoma blindness is caused by angle closure glaucoma.

To mark World Glaucoma Awareness week we are delighted to be joined on the podcast by Professor Paul Foster, who is literally and metaphorically a “giant” in the field of angle closure glaucoma! We discuss Paul’s seminal research which has revolutionised our understanding of the natural history of ACG and has reshaped both referral guidelines and the treatment of this condition.

Paul also shares his amusing experiences of arriving in Mongolia in the early 1990’s and the commotion caused amongst the locals by the appearance of this 6’7” blonde giant within their midst!

You can get full access to Eyes On Tomorrow, including:

* Bonus conversations from our guests

* PDFs of reading material linked to topics discussed in the podcast and perfect for your CPD

* Summaries of the key learnings as a regular newsletter

* Discussion with other subscribers

This month’s newsletter includes copies of the 14 year follow up of the ZAP study cohorts and the EAGLE study. There are also links to the Gonioscopy.org website, which is a superb resource for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of normal and abnormal angle architecture.

And the Bonus audio features Paul’s suggestions for how to become more confident with gonioscopy and his top tips for performing laser iridotomies, especially in heavily pigmented eyes.

All in all a perfect package of listening and learning for World Glaucoma Awareness week.

All for just £25 per year, when you subscribe at eyesontomorrow.substack.com/subscribe

Produced by Matt Hill at Rethink Audio.

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