Till Death Do Us Pod

Till Death Do Us Pod - S5 Episode 05 - Our chat with Scott Stuart about Pink Shadows and Gender Stereotypes

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On this week’s episode of Till Death Do Us Pod we are chatting to Scott Stuart, Scott is a best-selling children’s book author who is committed to creating content that empowers young kids. I first came across Scott on Instagram where he had posted a video of him and his son dressed as Queen Elsa, off to the Frozen 2 Premiere. I found his content around gender stereotypes and toxic masculinity really intriguing and knew that Mike and I had to get him onto the show to find out more. Scott recently released his 4th book, My Shadow is Pink, it is such a beautifully written book and our girls have really enjoyed it. We also played a game of 2 Truths & a Lie which is always hilarious.