Men Talking Mindfulness

The Importance of Fun and Playfulness

The Importance of Fun and Playfulness

Men Talking Mindfulness

Published: 21 September 2021 at 10:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Heeeeere's Johnny!!  Ever seen the Shining?  All work and no play does a lot more than just "make Jack a dull boy!"  Find out the importance of fun and play in this episode of Men Talking Mindfulness.  

01:13 Welcome to the Show 

02:10 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy“ 

03:45 Join us on Patreon! 

04:45 Listen to our previous episode on Emotional Awareness 

06:10 Having fun makes you more fun! 

07:00 Will leads Opening Grounding Practice 

12:00 Why talk about fun? 

14:45 What is fun? 

16:55 MTM in Space? 

17:00 Let go of your Ego 

18:00 Finding fun through novelty 

21:00 Work culture - is it ok to have fun on the job? 

25:30 Why is fun important? 

32:30 Mandatory fun isn’t fun 

36:30 How do you know if you’re having enough fun? 

39:30 Jon is slowly starting a farm 

40:00 Laugh Yoga - it’s a thing 

42:30 Graph of Liberation x Hedonic Engagement by Oh and Pham, 2021 

49:00 Jon leads Closing Grounding Practice

Opening and closing Music: Malecon by Soyb & Amine Maxwell Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library

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