Kids Health Info

All about allergies

All about allergies

Kids Health Info

Published: 13 October 2021 at 05:30 UTC

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Episode notes

It seems like allergies affect so many children these days. In fact, our home town of Melbourne is sometimes called the allergy capital of the world. So what really is an allergy, how does it show up, and what is anaphylaxis? And what does it all mean for children with an allergy? To answer these questions and more, we're joined by Dr Joanne Smart, Director of Allergy and Immunology at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. Looking for more information? We've collected some online resources here: RCH Kids Health Info Fact Sheets Allergic and Anaphylactic Reactions Hives Hay fever Peanut and tree nut allergy RCH Department of Allergy and Immunology Parent information sheets Information from The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Egg allergy Cows milk allergy Action Plans How to give EpiPen How to give Anapen Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia: Schooling and Childcare

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